Our CARA community welcomed in fall this month! From the Ready To Run 20 Miler to 'Go Run, check out some of our favorite photos from the month below!

Runners lined up at the start of the Ready To Run 20 Miler, presented by Physicians Immediate Care. All CARA Marathon Training sites were able to come together for the first time in almost two years, conquering 20 miles together and officially checking off their last big long run before marathon taper.

Hugs at the finish line! Congrats to all Ready To Run finishers on a great day!

CARA's newest Run Crew poses after a run. The Humboldt Park Run Crew meets on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. at Little Cubs Field.

'Go Run participants charge towards the finish at Douglass Park. Family-friendly and open to all paces, 'Go Run brings together runners and walkers of all ages each week!

CARA Runners' Choice Circuit Hall of Fame runner Nancy Rollins takes on the Hidden Gem Half Marathon.
Would you like to submit a photo from a CARA event or program? Send your pictures to tori@cararuns.org for a chance to be featured!