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CARA Race Certification

CARA offers races the opportunity to achieve and assert their excellence through its certification process. By requiring races to adhere to its Best Practices Guidelines, CARA is able to certify and promote races to its membership and the wider running community. Certified races will be eligible for official affiliation opportunities with CARA.

Please note, the CARA Race Certification program is by request only. We are now actively accepting new applications for 2025.



  • Adhere to all requirements outlined within the CARA’s Best Practices Guidelines. Races must have a full understanding and plan for executing the CARA Best Practices Guidelines prior to application;

  • Provide a CARA member registration discount [minimum discount of 10% or $5] that is active until the close of online registration*;

  • Provide CARA with at least three (3) complimentary race entries to be used at CARA’s discretion that are active until the close of online registration*;

  • Post-race, email an event valuation survey to participants.


​*Races that do not comply with this requirement will not receive any promotional benefits with their certification.



  • Race will receive CARA Certified Race endorsement including a unique CARA Certified Race logo, certification number, and statement to be used event materials and website;

  • Race will receive participant post-event participant survey results from CARA to aid in the evaluation of event and future planning;

  • Race will be considered for inclusion in following year’s Chicago Racing Circuit and/or as a CARA Training Program Target Race;

  • Race will have distinction on CARA Local Race and Events Calendar and a CARA members-only discount code listing for discount code provided.




  • A $250 fee is required prior to review of the application ($50 application fee and $200 certification fee). The total fee must be paid PRIOR to the application being reviewed. Should the application be denied, the $200 certification fee will be refunded. Fees are not refundable, deferrable, or transferrable for any other reason, including race cancellation. After submission, instructions for payment by credit card or check will immediately be provided.


Application Process: 


  • Complete application online HERE. Applications are only accepted online. Applicants should expect the application to take up to 20-30 minutes to complete.

  • Complete payment of $250 fee. Applications will not be reviewed prior to payment. Should the application be denied, the $200 certification fee will be refunded. Fees are not refundable, deferrable, or transferrable for any other reason, including race cancellation. After submission, instructions for payment by credit card or check will immediately be provided.

  • IMPORTANT: Races MUST not advertise in any way themselves as CARA Certified on current year's materials and websites prior to approval. Doing so may result in certification denial. It is the race's responsibility to apply far enough in advance to meet its marketing deadlines.

  • Races should submit their race to the CARA race calendar at Races are not automatically added after certification.

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