At RunVermont, we focus on the runner’s experience. In fact, Frank Shorter, Jeff Galloway, Bill Rodgers, Joan Benoit-Samuelson, Deena Kastor & Meb Keflezeghi all love running here!
Here are a few highlights of the event experience you can expect with us.
For the course:
It is a USA Track & Field-certified course, a Boston Marathon qualifier and an Olympic Trials qualifying course
Fast course – we have the stats to back it up
Course is a net downhill!
The largest marathon relay in the US! Can accommodate from 2 to 5 runners.
For the Burlington experience:
Best big city race in a great small town
Incredible crowds – 26 miles of enthusiastic fans cheering you on
Beautiful location. The charming streets of downtown Burlington, sparkling waters of Lake Champlain and the Adirondack and Green Mountains set the scene.
The average temperature at marathon start time has been in the mid-50s. The average high has been 70, with the mercury on average at 67 by noon.
Taiko Drummers provide amazing energy for the runners and spectators
The Church Street Marketplace restaurants get into the spirit of the weekend. "We actually open up earlier on Sunday -- at 7 o'clock -- so our customers can come down and watch the racers go by the first leg of the race," - Kim Blow with Leunig's Bistro
Great volunteers -- over 1,700 help support the runner's journey from start to finish
Two-day Expo features incredible Vermont based products
For your pre-race meals and post-race celebrations, Burlington is well known for its incredible dining options featuring locally sourced meats, cheeses, and produce as well as an impressive craft beer, cider and spirits scene.
For the spectators:
Marathon bibs are personalized so the thousands of spectators and volunteers can cheer on by name
Shaped like a cloverleaf, the course runs through the start area 4 times – making it very spectator friendly
For the family:
Mini milers race (Saturday of marathon weekend)
Mascot race
From Ben & Jerry’s to the Echo Leahy Center Aquarium and the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory, Burlington and the greater Burlington area have lots to offer the young (and young at heart) to round out your weekend experience.

We are offering a special Register & Stay Package just for CARA runners. Your registration rate is $115. When registering, just enter discount code: CARAFull2020
The code will give you $20 off the current marathon registration fee, but expires on April 1st. The Delta Hotel in Burlington, VT is also offering a special $139 room rate for CARA runners with a 3-night booking (we have a 10 room block).
We have a special message to deliver from Ed Zylka, "To all my CARA running buddies, I am so happy that Greg, Declan and my friends at CARA are helping promote fun races here in my new home...Vermont. I miss you all and it would be great to see you here in Burlington for the Vermont City Marathon(and team relay). Tami and I would welcome you post-race for some awesome VT microbrew beers at our house."
Visit for race details and to register. We hope to see you Memorial Day Weekend, on Sunday, May 24th for the 32nd running of the Vermont City Marathon!