CHICAGO – The newly formed CARA Racing Team will kick-off its inaugural season this Sunday at the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle. Recently launched in January of 2024, the CARA Racing Team has quickly signed 32 area runners to its roster. The team will not only be looking to place well within the Shamrock Shuffle team competitions, but also compile points for the Chicago Racing Circuit. The team has been eagerly anticipating the start to the racing season and has been tuning up their fitness under the tutelage of James Diamond, CARA’s Manager of Coaching and Training and an accomplished 2:43 marathon runner himself.
The CARA Racing Team’s mission is to provide competitive opportunities and to support runners in the Chicagoland area. The team is self-funded with the focus of providing support at the regional, national, and international age group level for CARA team members. Team members are also active in the running community through volunteering at lakefront hydration stations and ‘Go Runs™. The full team roster is listed below.
CARA Racing Team Members
Open Men Dan Pettitt Steven Levine Chris Acker Josephy Del Rio Brett Geschke J.D. Barrett | Masters Men (Over 40 yrs old) Rob Fleenor Adam Dabrowski Kenneth Jensen John Villano Phillip Stalley Ryan Curry |
Open Women Ashley Bruner Cecelia Galvan Margaret Fain Megan Anderson Jordan Larson Brittney Burmester | Masters Women (Over 40 yrs old) Erika Edmonson Libby Harvey-Hill Julie Gross Megan Leahy Miriam Tamayo Evance Stalley Unsal Ozdogru Jenn Splinter Ashley Turner Leah Hammer Erica Agran Amanda Dykema-Engblade Jennifer Kennedy Wendy Curry |
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